Kenan and Kel Nickelodeon

The kids TV shows begging for a reboot

Kenan & Kel, Sister Sister, and even Teletubbies all deserve an update for today's audience

Crack out the orange soda: Kenan and Kel are getting back together to make some new material.

Now, before you go too wild, we're not getting new episodes of their self-titled '90s kids' TV classic, or their sketch show All That. Instead, the pair - embodied by actors Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell - have paired up with some former All That castmates for a sketch on the MTV comedy show, Wild'N'Out. 

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Seeing the guys back together - even in a limited capacity - is making us hanker for a proper reunion between Kenan and Kel - either a TV show or, even better, a movie.

Now, before you point it out, we'd like to state we do know there already was a film, but that was made-for-TV and we want this to be a big cinema blockbuster.

The duo filled our screens from 1996 to 2000, and, basically, now we want them back.

For those who need a recap, Kenan and Kel were high-school students who were constantly getting themselves into bizarre situations. Still don't remember? Two words: Orange. Soda.

Yep, now you've got it, for some reason Kel was absolutely obsessed with the stuff, and while Kenan had a part-time job in a grocery shop, Kel would be hanging around trying to get his hands on the brightly coloured drink.

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This could form the basis of the feature-length film: a moving drama where Kenan helps cure Kel of his additive-filled drink addiction.

The other thing you could look forward to? They started each show by speaking to the live studio audience. It would only be right if the duo went to every single screening and introduced their film to the cinema-goers.

The prospect of a Kenan and Kel movie isn't as far-fetched as you might think. After all, '90s nostalgia is a big trend right now. Plus, Hollywood has already started delving into its kids TV show catalogue for big screen reboots. For instance, last year we had Power Rangers, which was an update of the cult '90s TV series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Unfortunately, many of the critics were unimpressed with the results. "The most flabbergastingly misconceived reboot of recent years," said The Telegraph. And, while he didn't hate it, Mark Kermode's 5 live review wasn't much better...

Still, the movie has its fans too.

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So what if the Power Rangers rehash didn't entirely deliver? That doesn't mean that other beloved children's programmes couldn't work for modern audiences, either as TV or movie reboots. So what other classics should Hollywood consider?


Way before we spent endless hours caught in a 'cute cat YouTube loop', we spent our days watching cartoon cats going to war.

As such, it's only right we're treated to a blockbuster catfest which somehow merges the two.

Don't remember the magic of Thundercats? Well, leader of the gallant group was the muscular, flame-haired Lion-O, who also happened to have a massive magic sword...

Every time he and his trusty sidekicks - Panthro, Cheetara and Tygra - would go into battle against villains such as the evil Mumm-Ra, the sword would make an appearance with Lion-O shouting, 'Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, hoooooooooooo!" then the logo on his sword would glow red.

So who should star in the remake? Erm, Brad Kitt, Leonardo DiCatrio, Jennifur Lawrence etc etc.

Sister Sister

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The tale of two identical twins who didn't know each other existed until they bumped into one another in a clothes shop has feature film written all over it (though, admittedly the concept is a bit similar to The Parent Trap).

Personality wise, Tia and Tamera were polar opposites, but that didn't stop them being best friends. The strange situations they got themselves into had us hooked. As did their relationship with annoying neighbour, Roger.

Yet that wasn't the only reason we watched...

That theme tune. It was pure splendour, and you'd be singing it for days on end.

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The good news is there's been a lot of speculation about whether the show is getting a reboot. 

It started with this comment...

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However, in January, Tia poured cold water on the rumours that the remake was definitely happening...

If that's not a goer, please, please, please do give us a film.

Round The Twist

This Australian series had it all: awesome setting (the characters live in a lighthouse); amazing characters (three children who live in said lighthouse all had distinctive personalities); and most importantly, incredible storylines.

At times it was slightly rude which made us feel edgy for watching it, but generally speaking you could expect some ghosts to appear or a bit of magic to take place.

With that in mind, the film could be a Harry Potter-esque affair with some slightly inappropriate jokes (ones that adults get, but kids don't) thrown in. Lovely.

There is one thing we're not sure about though...

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Like Sister Sister, its iconic theme tune is so powerful we still wake up in the middle of the night with it going round and round our head.

It's such an ear worm we aren't actually sure if we want it featured on the film. It could prove to be too much.


On first appearances, it might be hard to envisage how this would play out as a TV special or film, but actually it's got the potential to go all Lord Of The Rings.

Why? Look at their homes...

Just try and tell us it doesn't look similar to the hobbits' abodes...

And how 'the baby sun' has a slight Eye-of-Sauron feel about it...

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Want action? Well you know that amazing moment where Legolas mounts his horse? Well, look at this acrobatic display by Laa-Laa...

What TV show would you most like to see get a reboot?

This article was originally published on 25 March 2017.

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