Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Niko KovačGwettyimages

Niko Kovač, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and other sports-celebrity lookalikes

Sometimes athletes look like celebrities. So what if that's basic, we find it funny, okay?

An image of Ciaran Varley
Ciaran Varley
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Ever noticed the striking similarity between Croatian former international captain Niko Kovač and Hollywood indie heartthrob Joseph Gordon-Levitt?

You wouldn’t be alone. 

Gordon-Levitt, star of Inception, 500 Days of Summer, Looper, and Snowden, hasn’t ruled out the possibility that he may be related to the Bayern man.

At this point, in what was shaping up to be quite an entertaining exchange between two accounts you wouldn’t usually associate, the guys and gals at FC Bayern US went and ruined everything, with this decidedly lukewarm banter.

Never mind. Hey, but does Niko’s brother Robert Kovač look a bit like one of Levitt’s Inception co-stars?

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Maybe not so sold on that one.

Either way, what a fantastic excuse to play the game, “what other athletes happen to look a bit like famous celebrities?” 

Basic? Us?

Roger Federer and Jimmy Carr

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We’re definitely not the first people to point it out and, in fact, Jimmy Carr has already wrung a fair bit of comedy from this himself, but it just deserves repeating how much these two look alike. Dem brows, man.

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Harry Kane and Ryan Gosling

One of these two will probably be very pleased indeed with this comparison. We won’t say which. 

Which brand of Gosling is Harry Kane though? Would you say he’s more laconic, low-key vengeful murderer Gosling à la Drive? The lazy, mansplainy jazz nerd Gosling of La La Land? Or maybe boy-next-door-come-borderline-harassment-case Gosling of The Notebook?

Rick Carlisle and Jim Carrey

Yeah, this one is a bit of a ‘thing’ too.

In 2015, Dallas Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle went to the team’s Halloween party in this quite inspired costume.

Jake Peavy and Jeremy Renner

Former Red Sox pitcher Jake Peavy is currently a free agent. Perhaps if the baseball gig doesn’t work out, he could try his hand as a double for Jeremy Renner? Surely there’s plans in the works for a new Bourne Legacy?*

*Correction: no one ever wants to see that film get made – don’t ever speak of it again. 

Wayne Rooney and Flea

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Wayne Rooney is a collector of guitars - we wonder if he has one signed by the Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea, with whom he shares an absolutely identical face?