Simon McCoy with tweet reading rejoiceBBC

15 times Simon McCoy was the news gift that kept on giving

From royal baby news to surfing dogs, the BBC newsreader always puts his own spin on the big issues of the day

Declan Cashin
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Some newsreaders simply read the news; the BBC's Simon McCoy drags the news.

Don't get us wrong, he's a total pro. But Simon has also become well-known and loved for adding his own colourful touches - either by accident or design - to the traditional newscast format.

This week, the autocue for a segment about a dog-show in Scotland had him holding his head in his hands...

Or think back to when, 24 hours after Kensington Palace announced Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's pregnancy, more baby news broke: Pippa Middleton had given birth to a boy.

Sounding delighted by the flurry of royal baby news, here's how Simon covered the story...

In January last year, Simon was on form once again as he covered the story about Harry and Meghan's visit to Wales. Royal correspondent Sarah Campbell was on the scene, but couldn't make out the royal couple from the throngs of people. So she asked Simon back in the studio if he could pick them out. This was his response:

Of course, Simon has something of a sparkling track record when it comes to covering royal events. Remember the time he could barely contain his excitement about the announcement of the arrival date of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's third child?

Then there was the day in November 2017 when he teased his Twitter followers about the pending announcement of Prince Harry's engagement, capping the news off with a simple 'Rejoice'.

Indeed, Simon's famed enthusiasm for all things royal was commemorated in song by his colleague, Harry Gration. "As for News 24, they've got that good old boy/He's called Simon McCoy/He knows about royal joy," sings Harry.

His reaction is priceless.

Here are some more times that Simon brought total joy to the news.

There was the time that he interviewed the (fictional) W1A News and Current Affairs Controller, Neil Reid.

Simon also once revealed his battle with night-time wind...

Who could forget his introduction to beatboxing...?

...or the time he momentarily forgot what news channel he works for.

Who could forget Simon's passion for Halloween...?

...and his 'shear' joy at having to make sheep puns throughout a report.

...not to mention dog jokes.

But, for lots of Simon fans, this deadpan report about surfing dogs - delivered at the height of 'silly season' last summer - is his greatest achievement...

...after the iPad/pack of A4 paper moment, of course.

Though maybe best to not mention that one...

Never change, Simon!

First published 19 January 2018

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