FIFA 17 glitch - Ibrahimovic sniffs bottom of Stefan FrieFIFA 17

Footballers get raunchy in these FIFA 17 glitches

An image of Ciaran Varley
Ciaran Varley

When FIFA 2017 was released, like every edition, it came with a few entertaining glitches. Some (ok, a lot) of them involved players getting surprisingly intimate.

Take Man Utd hero Zlatan Ibrahimovic, the Swedish striker has netted hundreds of goals throughout his career but you can bet none of his celebrations ended in him sniffing the bottom of Seattle Sounders’ keeper Stefan Frei.

Well, at least no one noticed. Phew. Hang on, what do you mean, GameSprout have compiled all the funniest glitches on their YouTube Channel?

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So many, great moments to choose from. Just some of our faves…

Hart-breaker Joe making new friends in Italy...

FIFA 17 glitch - Joe Hart in compromising positionsFIFA 17

Xabi Alonso just runs right through people…

FIFA 17 glitch - Xabi Alonso seems to run through linesmanFIFA 17

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Someone call a doctor...

FIFA 17 glitch - Dimitris seems double jointedFIFA 17

That’s one way to rub it in your opponent’s face…

FIFA 17 glitch - player seems to rub crotch in oppositionFIFA 17

Er, less said about this the better…

FIFA 17 glitch - player seems to accidentally do FIFA 17

There you go. Turns out FIFA 17 is a bit homo-erotic. And a bit un-PC. Who knew?